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Xue L-J, Hozain MI, Frost CJ, Talebi A, Nyamdari B, Aulakh KB, Zhou R, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2024) Overexpression of plasma membrane SUT1 in poplar alters lateral sucrose partitioning in stem and promotes leaf necrosis. Plant Direct (accepted).
Feyissa BA, de Becker EM, Zhang J, Yates TB, Xie M, De K, Gotarkar D, Chen MSS, Jawdy SS, Salesse-Smith CE, Xie M, De K, Carper DL, Abraham PE, Morrell-Falvey JL, Taylor G, Barry K, Schmutz J, Weston DJ, Tsai C-J, Chen J-G, Tuskan GA, Long SP, Burgess SJ, Muchero W (2024) An orphan moonlighting gene, booster, enhances photosynthetic efficiency and plant productivity. Developmental Cell (accepted).
Ortega MA, Celoy RM, Chacon F, Yuan Y, Xue L-J, Pandey SP, Drowns MR, Kvitko BH, Tsai C-J (2024) Altering cold-regulated gene expression decouples the salicylic acid–growth tradeoff in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 36: 4293-4308 (featured story). Reprint
Tuma TT, Nyamdari B, Hsieh C, Chen Y-H, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2024) Perturbation of tonoplast sucrose transport alters carbohydrate utilization for seasonal growth and defense metabolism in coppiced poplar. Tree Physiology 44: tpae061. Reprint
Zhou R, Jenkins JW, Zeng Y, Shu S, Jang H, Harding SA, Williams M, Plott C, Barry KW, Koriabine M, Amirebrahimi M, Talag J, Rajasekar S, Grimwood J, Schmitz RJ, Dawe RK, Schmutz J, Tsai C-J (2023) Haplotype-resolved genome assembly of Populus tremula × P. alba reveals aspen-specific megabase satellite DNA. Plant Journal 116: 1003-1017 (cover story) Reprint
Buell CR, Dardick C, Parrott W, Schmitz RJ, Shih PM, Tsai CJ, Urbanowicz B (2023) Engineering custom morpho- and chemotypes of Populus for sustainable production of biofuels, bioproducts, and biomaterials. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1288826. Reprint
Yao T, Zhang J, Yates T, Shrestha H, Engle N, Ployet R, John C, Feng K, Bewg WP, Chen MSS, Lu H, Harding SA, Qiao Z, Jawdy S, Shu M, Yuan W, Mozaffari K, Harman-Ware A, Happs R, York L, Binder B, Yoshinaga Y, Daum C, Tschaplinski T, Abraham P, Tsai C-J, Barry K, Lipzen A, Schmutz J, Tuskan G, Chen I-G, Muchero W (2023) eQTL mapping identified PtrXB38 as a key hub gene in adventitious root development in Populus. New Phytologist 239: 2248-2264. Reprint
Chen Y-H, Sharma S, Bewg WP, Xue L-J, Gizelbach C, Tsai C-J (2023) Multiplex editing of the Nucleoredoxin1 tandem array in poplar: from small indels to translocations and complex inversions. CRISPR Journal 6: 339-349 (cover story). Reprint
Brooks EG, Elorriaga E, Liu Y, Duduit JR, Yuan G, Tsai C-J, Tuskan GA, Ranney TG, Yang X, Liu W (2023) Plant promoters and terminators for high-precision bioengineering. BioDesign Research 5: 0013. Reprint
Tran S, Ison M, Dias NCF, Ortega MA, Peper A, Hu L, Xu D, Mozaffari K, Chen YFS, Severns PM, Yao Y, Tsai C-J, Teixeira PJPL, Yang L (2023) Endogenous salicylic acid suppresses de novo root regeneration from leaf explants. PLOS Genetics 19(3): e1010636. Reprint
Ullah C, Chen Y-H, Ortega MA, Tsai C-J (2023) The diversity of salicylic acid biosynthesis and defense signaling in plants: knowledge gaps and future opportunities. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 72: 102349 (cover). Reprint
Ortega MA, Zhou R, Chen MSS, Bewg WP, Simon B, Tsai C-J (2023) In vitro floral development in poplar: insights into seed trichome regulation and trimonoecy. New Phytologist 237: 1078-1081. Reprint
Harding SA, Tuma TT, Aulakh K, Ortega MA, Ci D, Ou Y, Tsai C-J (2022) Tonoplast sucrose trafficking modulates starch utilization and water deficit behavior in poplar leaves. Plant Cell Physiology 63: 1117–1129. Reprint
Ullah C, Schmidt A, Reichelt M, Tsai C-J, Gershenzon J (2022) Lack of antagonism between salicylic acid and jasmonate signaling pathways in poplar. New Phytologist 235: 701-717. Reprint
Bewg WP, Harding SA, Engle N, Vaidya BN, Zhou R, Reeves J, Horn TW, Joshee N, Jenkins J, Shu S, Barry KW, Yoshinaga Y, Grimwood J, Schmitz RJ, Schmutz J, Tschaplinski TJ, Tsai C-J (2022) Multiplex knockout of trichome-regulating MYB duplicates in hybrid poplar using a single gRNA. Plant Physiology 189: 516–526. Reprint
Gu X, Chen I-G, Tsai C-J (2021) How do holoparasitic plants exploit vitamin K1? Plant Signaling & Behavior 16: 11. Reprint
Tsai CJ (2021) Genome editing of woody perennial trees. In: Willmann MR (ed), Genome Editing for Precision Crop Breeding, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK. Abstract
Gu X, Chen I-G, Harding SA, Nyamdari B, Ortega MA, Clermont K, Westwood JH, and Tsai C-J (2021). Plasma membrane phylloquinone biosynthesis in nonphotosynthetic parasitic plants. Plant Physiology 185: 1443-1456 (Focus Issue on Parasitic Plants). Reprint
Coleman HD, Brunner AM, Tsai C-J (2021) Synergies and entanglement in secondary cell wall development and abiotic stress response in trees. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 639769. Reprint
Harding SA, Frost CJ, Tsai CJ (2020) Defoliation‐induced compensatory transpiration is compromised in SUT4‐RNAi Populus. Plant Direct 4: 1-13. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Xu P, Xue L-J, Hu H, Nyamdari B, Naran R, Zhou X, Goeminne G, Gao R, Gjersing E, Dahlen J, Pattathil S, Hahn MG, Davis MF, Ralph J, Boerjan W, Harding SA (2020) Compensatory guaiacyl lignin biosynthesis at the expense of syringyl lignin in 4CL1-knockout poplar. Plant Physiology 183: 123-136. Reprint
Heyduk K, Ray JN, Ayyampalayam S, Moledina N, Borland A, Harding SA, Tsai C-J, Leebens-Mack J (2019) Shared expression of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) genes predates the origin of CAM in the genus Yucca. Journal of Experimental Botany 70: 6597-6609. Reprint
Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2019) Cell wall pectins in tree growth and woody biomass utilization. In: Cánovas FM (ed), Advances in Botanical Research Vol 89: Molecular Physiology and Biotechnology of Trees. Academic Press, pp 235-256.
Ullah C, Tsai C-J, Unsicker S, Xue L-J, Reichelt M, Gershenzon J, Hammerbacher A (2019) Salicylic acid activates poplar defense against the biotrophic rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina via increased accumulation of catechin and proanthocyanidins. New Phytologist 221: 960-975. Reprint
Bewg WP, Ci D, Tsai C-J (2018) Genome editing in trees: From multiple repair pathways to long-term stability. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1732. Reprint
Scully E, Geib S, Mason C, Carlson JE, Tien M, Chen H-Y, Harding S, Tsai C-J, Hoover K (2018) Host-plant induced changes in microbial community structure and midgut gene expression in an invasive polyphage (Anoplophora glabripennis). Scientific Reports 8: 9620. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Harding SA, Cooke JEK (2018) Branching out: a new era of investigating physiological processes in forest trees using genomic tools. Tree Physiology 38: 303-310 (editorial). Reprint
Harding SA, Hu H, Nyamdari B, Xue L-J, Naran R, Tsai C-J (2018) Tubulins, rhythms and cell walls in poplar leaves: it’s all in the timing. Tree Physiology 38: 397-408. Reprint
Hu H, Gu X, Xue L-J, Swamy PS, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2016) Tubulin C-terminal post-translational modifications do not occur in wood forming tissue of Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1493. Reprint
Xue L-J, Frost CJ, Tsai C-J, Harding SA (2016) Drought response transcriptomes are altered in poplar with reduced tonoplast sucrose transporter expression. Scientific Reports 6, 33655. Reprint
Bowsher AW, Ali R, Harding SA, Tsai C-J, Donovan LA (2016) Evolutionary divergences in root exudate composition among ecologically-contrasting Helianthus species. PLoS One 11: e0148280. Reprint
Mason CM, Bowsher AW, Crowell BL, Celoy RM, Tsai C-J, Donovan LA (2016) Macroevolution of leaf defenses and secondary metabolites across the genus Helianthus. New Phytologist 209: 1720-1733. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Xue L-J (2015) CRISPRing into the woods. GM Crops & Food 6: 206-215. Reprint
Bowsher AW, Ali R, Harding SA, Tsai C-J, Donovan LA (2015) Analysis of wild sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) root exudates using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178: 776-786. Reprint
Swamy PS, Hu H, Pattathil S, Maloney VJ, Xiao H, Xue L-J, Chung J-D, Johnson VE, Zhu Y, Peter GF, Hahn MG, Mansfield SD, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2015) Tubulin perturbation leads to unexpected cell wall modifications and affects stomatal behavior in Populus. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 6507-6518. Reprint
Xue L-J, Alabady MS, Mohebbi M, Tsai C-J (2015) Exploiting genome variation to improve next-generation sequencing data analysis and genome editing efficiency in Populus tremula x alba 717-1B4. Tree Genetics and Genomics 11: 82. Reprint
Xue L-J, Tsai C-J (2015) AGEseq: Analysis of genome editing by sequencing. Molecular Plant 8: 1428-1430. Reprint
Zhou X, Jacobs TB, Xue L-J, Harding S, Tsai C-J (2015) Exploiting SNPs for biallelic CRISPR mutations in the outcrossing woody perennial Populus reveals 4-coumrate:CoA ligase specificity and redundancy. New Phytologist 208: 298-301. Reprint
Harding SA, Xue L-J, Du L, Nyamdari B, Lindroth RL, Sykes R, Davis MF, Tsai C-J (2014) Condensed tannin biosynthesis and polymerization synergistically condition carbon use, defense, sink strength and growth in Populus. Tree Physiology 34: 1240-1251. Reprint
Peng D, Gu X, Xue L-J, Leebens-Mack JH, Tsai C-J (2014) Bayesian phylogeny of sucrose transporters: Ancient origins, differential expansion and convergent evolution in monocots and dicots. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 615. Reprint
Chen H-Y, Babst BA, Nyamdari B, Sykes R, Davis MF, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2014) Loblolly pine contains phylogenetically divergent 4-coumarate:CoA ligases that confer distinct metabolic phenotypes when over-expressed in Populus. Plant Cell Physiology 55: 1669-1678. Reprint
Babst BA, Chen H-Y, Wang H-Q, Payyavula RS, Thomas TP, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2014) Stress responsive Populus hydroxycinnamate glycosyltransferase modulates phenylpropanoid homeostasis. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 4191-4200. Reprint
da Silva Taveira JH, Borém FM, Figueiredo LP, Reis N, Franca AS, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2014) Potential markers of coffee genotypes grown in different Brazilian regions: Metabolomics approach. Food Research International 61: 75-82. Reprint
Xu Y, Chen C-F, Thomas TP, Azadi P, Diehl B, Tsai C-J, Brown N, Carlson JE, Tien M, Liang H (2013) Wood chemistry analysis and expression profiling of a poplar clone expressing a tyrosine-rich peptide. Plant Cell Reports 32: 1827-1841. Reprint
Wang H-Q, Tsai C-J (2013) CorSig: A general framework for estimating statistical significance of correlation and its applciation to gene co-expression analysis. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77429. Reprint
Xue L-J, Guo W, Yuan Y, Anino EO, Nyamdari B, Wilson MC, Frost CJ, Chen H-Y, Babst BA, Harding SA, Tsai CJ (2013) Constitutively elevated salicylic acid levels alter photosynthesis and oxidative state but not growth in transgenic Populus. Plant Cell 25: 2714-2730. Reprint
Tsai C-J (2013) Next-generation sequencing for next-generation breeding, and more. New Phytologist 198: 635-637. Reprint
Molina-Rueda JJ, Tsai C-J, Kirby EG (2013) The Populus superoxide dismutase gene family and its responses to drought stress in transgenic poplar overexpressing a pine cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1a). PLoS ONE 8(2): e56421. Reprint
Tsai C-J and Harding SA (2013) In situ hybridization. Methods in Cell Biology 113: 339-359. Reprint
Frost CJ, Nyamdari B, Tsai C-J, Harding SA (2012) The tonoplast-localized sucrose transporter in Populus (PtaSUT4) regulates whole-plant water relations, responses to water stress, and photosynthesis. PLoS ONE 7(8): e44467. Reprint
Tuominen LK, Johnson VE, Tsai C-J (2011) Differential phylogenetic expansions in BAHD acyltransferases across five angiosperm taxa and evidence of divergent expression among Populus paralogues. BMC Genomics 12: 236. Reprint
Payyavula RS, Tay KHC, Tsai C-J, Harding SA (2011) The sucrose transporter family in Populus: The importance of a tonoplast PtaSUT4 to bioamss and carbon partitioning. Plant Journal 65: 757-770. Reprint
Wang H-Q, Tuominen LK, Tsai C-J (2011) SLIM: A sliding linear model for estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses in datasets with dependence structures. Bioinformatics 27:225-231. Reprint
Wegrzyn JL, Eckert AJ, Choi M, Lee JM, Stanton BJ, Sykes R, Davis MF, Tsai C-J, Neale DB (2010) Association genetics of traits controlling lignin and cellulose biosynthesis in black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa, Salicaceae) secondary xylem. New Phytologist 188: 515-532. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Ranjan P, DiFazio SP, Tuskan GA, Johnson V (2011) Poplar genome microarrays. In: Joshi CP, DiFazio SP and Kole C (eds), Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Poplars. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH. pp. 112-127. Abstract
Douglas CJ, Ehlting J, Harding SA (2010) Phenylpropanoid and phenolic metabolism in Populus: Gene family structure and comparative and functional genomics. In: Joshi CP, DiFazio SP and Kole C (eds), Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Poplars. Science Publishers, Enfield,NH. pp. 304-326. Abstract
Gou J, Strauss SH, Tsai C-J, Fang K, Chen Y, Jiang X, Busov VB (2010) Gibberellins regulate lateral root formation in Populus through interaction with auxin and other hormones. Plant Cell 22: 623-639. Reprint
Babst BA, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2010) Biosynthesis of phenolic glycosides from phenylpropanoid and benzenoid precursors in Populus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36: 286-297. Reprint
Barron MJ, Tsai C-J, Donahue SW (2010) Mechanical stimulation mediates gene expression in MC3T3 osteoblastic cells differently in 2D and 3D environments. Journal of Biomedical Engineering 132: 041005. Reprint
Huang Z, Tsai C-J, Harding S, Meilan R, Woeste K (2010) A cross-species transcriptional profile analysis of heartwood formation in black walnut. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 28: 222-230. Reprint
Street N, Tsai C-J (2010) Populus resources and bioinformatics. In: Jansson S, Bhalerao R, and Groover AT (eds), Genetics and Genomics of Populus. Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models book series. Springer, New York, pp. 135-152. Reprint
Payyavula RS, Babst BA, Nelsen MP, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2009) Glycosylation-mediated phenylpropanoid partitioning in Populus tremuloides cell cultures. BMC Plant Biology 9: 151. Reprint
Yuan Y, Chung J-D, Fu X, Johnson VE, Ranjan P, Booth SL, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2009) Alternative splicing and gene duplication differentially shaped the regulation of isochorismate synthase in Populus and Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106: 22020-22025. Reprint
Harding SA, Jarvie MM, Lindroth RL, Tsai C-J (2009) A comparative analysis of phenylpropanoid metabolism, N utilization, and carbon partitioning in fast- and slow-growing Populus hybrid clones. Journal of Experimental Botany 60: 3443-3452. Reprint
Cseke LJ, Tsai C-J, Rogers A, Nelsen MP, White HL, Karnosky DF, Podila GK (2009) Transcriptomic comparison in the leaves of two aspen genotypes having similar carbon assimilation rates but different partitioning patterns under elevated [CO2]. New Phytologist 182: 891-911. Reprint
Qin H, Feng T, Harding SA, Tsai C-J, Zhang S (2008) An efficient method to identify differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments. Bioinformatics 24: 1583-1589. Reprint
Luo K, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2008) A modified T-vector for simplified assembly of hairpin RNAi constructs. Biotechnology Letters 30: 1271-1274. Reprint
Joshi CP, Brunner A, Busov V, Meilan R, Thammanagowda S, Tsai C-J (2008) Poplars. In: Kole C and Hall TC (eds) Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants, Vol. IX. Blackwell Publishing. pp. 1-33.
Donahue SW, McGee ME, Bradford RM, Tsai C-J, Nelsen MP, Simoni K (2008) American black bear parathyroid hormone as therapy for osteoporosis. In: Lovegrove BG and Mckechnie AE (eds) Hypometabolism In Animals: Hibernation, Torpor And Cryobiology. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. pp. 25-36.
Busov V and Tsai C-J (2007) Perennial challenges and opportunities. New Phytologist 176: 3-6. Reprint
Oakley RV, Wang Y-S, Ramakrishna W, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2007) Differential expansion and expression of alpha- and beta-tubulin gene families in Populus. Plant Physiology 145: 961-973. Reprint
Lin J, Gunter LE, Harding SA, Kopp RF, McCord RP, Tsai C-J, Tuskan GA, Smart LB (2007) Development of AFLP and RAPD markers linked to a locus associated with twisted growth in corkscrew willow (Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa’). Tree Physiology 27: 1575-1583. Reprint
Tiimonen H, Häggman H, Tsai C-J, Chiang VL, Aronen T (2007) The seasonal activity and the effect of mechanical bending and wounding on the PtCOMT promoter in Betula pendula Roth. Plant Cell Reports 26: 1205-1214. Reprint
Rajinikanth M, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2007) The glycine decarboxylase complex multienzyme family in Populus. Journal of Experimental Botany 58: 1761-1770. Reprint
Tsai C-J, El Kayal W, Harding SA (2006) Populus, the new model system for investigating phenylpropanoid complexity (invited review). International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 4: 221-233. Reprint
Brodeur-Campbell SE, Vucetich JA, Richter DL, Waite TA, Rosemier JN, Tsai C-J (2006) Insect herbivory on low-lignin transgenic aspen. Environmental Entomology 35: 1696-1701. Reprint
Tuskan GA, DiFazio S et al. (107 authors including Tsai C-J), Rokhsar D (2006) The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray). Science 313: 1596-1604. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Harding SA, Tschaplinski TJ, Lindroth RL, Yuan Y (2006) Genome-wide analysis of the structural genes regulating defense phenylpropanoid metabolism in Populus. New Phytologist 172: 47-62. Reprint
Harding SA, Jiang H, Jeong ML, Casado FL, Lin H-W, Tsai C-J (2005) Functional genomics analysis of foliar condensed tannin and phenolic glycoside regulation in natural cottonwood hybrids. Tree Physiology 25: 1475-1486. Reprint
Godin LM, McCabe LR, Tsai C-J, Donahue SW (2005) The time course of shear stress induced changes in bone protein and transcription factor mRNA levels in osteocyte-like MLO-Y4 cells. Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Paper 0360120, Vail, CO, June 22-26, 2005 (refereed).
Ho C-K, Chang S-H, Lung J, Tsai C-J, Chen K-P (2005) The strategies to increase taxol production by using Taxus mairei cells transformed with TS and DBAT genes. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 3: 179-185. Reprint
Jeong ML, Jiang H, Chen H-S, Tsai C-J, Harding SA (2004) Metabolic profiling the sink to source transition in developing leaves of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). Plant Physiology 136: 3364-3375. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Hubscher SL (2004) Cryopreservation in Populus functional genomics. New Phytologist 164: 73-81. Reprint
Ranjan P, Kao Y-Y, Jiang H, Joshi CP, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2004) Suppression subtractive hybridization-mediated transcriptome analysis from multiple tissues of aspen (Populus tremuloides) trees altered in phenylpropanoid metabolism. Planta 219: 694-704. Reprint
Jiang H, Deng Y, Chen H-S, Tao L, Sha Q, Chen J, Tsai C-J, Zhang S (2004) Joint analysis of two microarray gene-expression data sets to select lung adenocarcinoma marker genes. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 81. Reprint
Wang Y-S, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2004) Expression of a glycine decarboxylase complex H-protein in non-photosynthetic tissues of Populus tremuloides. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1676: 267-273. Reprint
Cseke LJ, Wu W, Tsai C-J (2003) Isolation and purification of DNA. In: Cseke LJ, Kaufman PB, Podila GK, Tsai C-J (eds) Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine. 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 1-24.
Tsai C-J, Cseke LJ, Harding SA (2003) Isolation and purification of RNA. In: Cseke LJ, Kaufman PB, Podila GK, Tsai C-J (eds) Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine. 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 25-44.
Tsai C-J, Cseke LJ (2003) Southern hybridization. In: Cseke LJ, Kaufman PB, Podila GK, Tsai C-J (eds) Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine. 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 85-104.
Touchell DH, Wang Y-S, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2003) Differential display. In: Cseke LJ, Kaufman PB, Podila GK, Tsai C-J (eds) Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine, 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 305-317.
Harding SA, Tsai C-J, Cseke LJ, Chang SC, Chen F (2003) In situ hybridization. In: Cseke LJ, Kaufman PB, Podila GK, Tsai C-J (eds) Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine. 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 487-508.
Aronen T, Tiimonen H, Tsai C-J, Jokipii S, Chen X, Chiang VL, Häggman H (2003) Altered lignin in transgenic silver birch (Betula pendula) expressing PtCOMT gene. In: Espinel S, Barredo Y, Ritter E (eds) Sustainable Forestry, Wood Products & Biotechnology. DFA-AFA Press. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, pp. 149-161.
Harding SA, Kao Y-Y, Tsai C-J (2003) Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene expression in condensed tannin-accumulating and lignifying cells of quaking aspen. In: Plant Biotechnology 2002 and beyond, Vasil IK (ed), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 457-459.
Kao Y-Y, Harding SA, Tsai C-J (2002) Differential expression of two distinct phenylalanine ammonia-lyase genes in condensed tannin-accumulating and lignifying cells of quaking aspen. Plant Physiology 130: 796-807. Reprint
Harding SA, Leshkevich J, Chiang VL, Tsai C-J (2002) Differential substrate inhibition couples kinetically distinct 4-coumarate:CoA ligases with spatially distinct structural and metabolic roles in quaking aspen. Plant Physiology 128: 428-438. Reprint
Touchell DH, Chiang VL, Tsai C-J (2002) Cryopreservation of embryonic cultures of Picea mariana (black spruce) using a vitrification protocol. Plant Cell Reports 21: 118-124. Reprint
Hu W-J, Harding SA, Lung J, Popko JL, Ralph J, Stokke DD, Tsai C-J, Chiang VL (1999) Repression of lignin biosynthesis promotes cellulose accumulation and growth in transgenic trees. Nature Biotechnology 17: 808-812. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Popko JL, Mielke MR, Hu W-J, Podila GK, Chiang VL (1998) Suppression of O-methyltransferase gene by homologous sense transgene in quaking aspen cause red-brown wood phenotypes. Plant Physiology 117: 101-112. Reprint
Ho C-K, Chang S-H, Tsay J-Y, Tsai C-J, Chiang VL, Chen Z-Z (1998) Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and production of transgenic plants. Plant Cell Reports 17: 675-680. Reprint
Hu W-J, Kawaoka A, Tsai C-J, Lung J, Osakabe K, Ebinuma H, Chiang VL (1998) Compartmentalized expression of two structurally and functionally distinct 4-coumaric acid:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) genes in aspen (Populus tremuloides). Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 95: 5407-5412. Reprint
Li L, Popko JL, Zhang X-H, Osakabe K, Tsai C-J, Joshi CP, Chiang VL (1997) A novel multifunctional O-methyltransferase implicated in a dual methylation pathway associated with lignin biosynthesis in loblolly pine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 94: 5461-5466. Reprint
Boerjan W, Baucher M, Chabbert B, Petit-Conil M, Leple JC, Pilate G, Cornu D, Monties B, Van Montagu M, Van Doorsselaere J, Inze D, Jouanin L, Tsai C-J, Podila GP, Chiang VL (1997) Genetic modification of lignin biosynthesis in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and poplar (Populus tremula × Populus alba). In: Klopfenstein N.B., eds., Micropropagation, Genetic Engineering, and Molecular Biology of Populus. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Fort Collins, Colorado, pp. 193-205.
Tsai C-J, Mielke MR, Podila GK, Chiang VL (1996) 3' cycle-labeled oligonucleotides with predictable length and their application in primer extension and transgene analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 24: 5060-5061. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Podila GK, Chiang VL (1995) Nucleotide sequence of a Populus tremuloides gene encoding bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic acid O-methyltransferase. Plant Physiology 107: 1459. Reprint
Tsai C-J, Podila GK, Chiang VL (1994) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and regeneration of transgenic plants. Plant Cell Reports 14: 94-97. Reprint
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